Huberman Hapoel games 1991Hapoel games 1991Hapoel games 1991

  • Issue: April 1991
  • Designer: M. Galli & R. Dayagi
  • Stamp size: 40 x 25.7 mm
  • Plate no.: 126 - 128
  • Sheet of 15 stamps Tabs: 5
  • Printers: E. Lewin-Epstein Ltd.
  • Method of printing: Offset

The Hapoel Games are held once every four years under the patronage of the President of the State of Israel. The Secretary-General of the Histadrut General Federation of Labour in Israel, heads the Games public council.

The first Hapoel Meet in 1928, in which all Hapoel members participate , was a nation-wide event, with several days of competitive sports.

When the number of Hapoel members grew so large that it was impossible to fit all competitions into one event of several days in a single location, the form was changed. Instead, outstanding teams and athletes represented their local organisations in competing in the different events.

Until Israel's establishment, the Hapoel Meet was an exclusively local event, but in 1952, the fifth Meet - and the first to be held following the country's independence - invitations were also issued to athletes from overseas workers' sports associations.

In 1985 it was decided to change the name from the Hapoel Meet to the Hapoel Games, a name which aptly conveys the essence of the event. In addition to the meeting of Hapoel athletes, Israel's national teams also take part in the Games. These teams are composed of outstanding athletes from all the associations. They hold friendly matches with top athletes from all corners of the globe.

Held in the year preceding the Olympics, the Hapoel Games are an excellent preparation for athletes, whose skills and abilities can be tested. The Games are recognized by international sports associations and a p pear on their calendars. The heads of world sports honour them with their presence, giving them a pronounced international flavour.

Owing to financial constraints, the 14th Hapoel Games will be on a limited scale.

The Games will include the following events:

In parallel with the competitive events and displays, there will be a series of sports-for-all events, including walking and running, in which hundreds of youngsters and adults will take part. Special tournaments will also be held for athletes from places of work. The events will take place in natural settings, and the pioneer youth movements, pupils from the Amal school network, Hapoel veterans, and others will participate.

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Hapoel games 1991